This ewe was so curious (or maybe cautious) that she would hardly look away from Cathy, even though her friends were eating all the dinner. |
At Gleeson's Restaurant in Roscommon, Ireland, Marion crochets while Anna knits at the same time! |
Bridie added some white garter stitch and Dorrie, some plain rows of garter stitch in a lovely gray yarn.
Later in the week, Marian surprised Cathy by bringing by the house a cute gift from the knitters, a little sheep mug cozy in Roscommon’s colors!
Back at the Browne household that same evening, while waiting for dinner, Cathy started talking to Coman, Caitlin and Gerry’s son, and learned that he had known how to knit back when he was seven in primary school. He very gallantly volunteered to be the first man to contribute to me! Yay! I knew we would find one eventually—a male knitter, I mean. He was a bit tentative at first—not sure if he could remember— but Cathy made two knit stitches for him and it all came back. He sat by the cozy kitchen wood stove and added some rows of garter stitch.
His dad, Gerry, sat down beside him and recollected that
he might be able to knit, so Coman demonstrated for him and Gerry took up the
needles as well. What a sweet sight!
At the last minute, the night before we had to leave
Roscommon, Caitlin added her part to my knitted end using some of the grey
llama yarn that comes from Kelley Hubbell’s fiber llama herd back on Vashon
Island, Washington. I am such a global being!
So many thanks to all the folks in Roscommon who made
Cathy and me feel so welcome during our sojourn in the heart of lamb country in
Ireland. We can’t wait to return later in the spring.